Sherwin Beach Press Searching For Morris Fuller Benton

Searching For Morris Fuller Benton
Poisonous Plants at Table
Saving His Life
Innocents Abroad
The Essence of Beeing
Ballet for Opening Day
$144 a Month
Within the Context of No Context
Sherwin Beach Press

Discovering the designer through his typefaces
by Juliet Shen

with a foreword by Roger Black, frontispiece wood engraving by Carl Montford, and dozens of typographic specimens from Europe and North America

Benton is the most prolific type designer of the hot metal era, but unlike Frederic Goudy, Bruce Rogers, or William Dwiggins--whose ideas about type design are well documented--Benton wrote nothing about his own work, nor was it the subject of analysis by others.

Juliet Shen has made a meticulous study of his work, including a new enumeration of designs appropriately attributed to him. She gained access to papers from the ATF library, now housed at Columbia University. Shen places Benton in the context of American life at the turn of the 20th Century, when branding, advertising, and marketing were first becoming major factors in the economy. She compares his typefaces to similar ones from the same period, discovering the elements which he found important.

As Roger Black says in the introduction, "Benton's lean, driving, consistent style took over American printing in the pre-war rea, and remains the bedrock of American typography."

The book is designed by Robert McCamant, set in Cloister Oldstyle cast by the Dale Guild Type Foundry from ATF matrices and typeset by Art Larson and Rose Wisotzky at Horton Tank Graphics. It is printed on Mohawk Superfine, with letterpress by Michael Russem of Kat Ran Press, and offset illustrations and captions by Capitol Offset. Trisha Hammer has designed and executed the binding. 58 pp, 7 1/2 x 10 1/4 inches. Edition of 75.

$450. Published January 1, 2012.

© Copyright 2011 Sherwin Beach Press.